Why are there so few Sun-Mars oppositions?

The frequency of appearance in the Sun-Mars opposition is one-seventh of conjunction. The same result would occur on the collected charts from all over the world. Why? This is not an astrological anomaly, but an astronomical phenomenon.

Astrology from Observation

We understand things by observing facts. It’s no exaggeration to say that everything begins by observing phenomena. The same goes for astrology.
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Fear Not Mercury Combust

In Horary astrology, “Combust” of the principal significator often represents the seriously injured and weakness of the subjects. In the case of Nativity, receptions and aspects should be taken into account, yet the simple judgment of combust suggests the malign influence. Then, which celestial bodies have the highest frequency of combustions? It is, of course, Mercury. It has the closest orbit to the Sun and is only 28 degrees away from the Sun at most when observed from Earth. As a result, it has a more extended period of combustion and under the beams than other planets.
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Astrology In Statistics, Part Two: Earthquakes and Planetary Locations – Chapter One



This article is a survey report on 11,270 earthquakes and planetary positions. The purpose of the survey is to find the relationship between earthquakes, over M6 Richter scale, and the celestial bodies location in the past 117 years. I will not discuss the predictions. Because it is not feasible to measure the activity of the earth in 100 years out of 4.6 billion years as the life of forty-six years cannot be evaluated by the events that occurred in two minutes.

The distribution chart of the earthquakes worldwide for 1900 – 2017 provided by USGS

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Astrology In Statistics, Part One: People who have Mars in Virgo are one and half times more than Pisces


This article concerns astrology and statistics. I will discuss the statistical deviation using the graph of the planetary positions in the zodiacal signs.

Little is known about the fact that people with Mars in Virgo are 1.5 times more than Pisces. If it is randomly collected 10,000 people from all generations, the number of people with Mars sign will be more Scorpio, Leo, Virgo and Libra, and fewer Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. (figure.1)

The distribution of Mars Sign on 10,000 dates selected randomly in 500 years.

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