Astrology In Statistics, Part One: People who have Mars in Virgo are one and half times more than Pisces

Johannes Kepler


This article concerns astrology and statistics. I will discuss the statistical deviation using the graph of the planetary positions in the zodiacal signs.

Little is known about the fact that people with Mars in Virgo are 1.5 times more than Pisces. If it is randomly collected 10,000 people from all generations, the number of people with Mars sign will be more Scorpio, Leo, Virgo and Libra, and fewer Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. (figure.1)

The distribution of Mars Sign on 10,000 dates selected randomly in 500 years.

The elliptical orbit of the planet

The reason for the deviation above is that the elliptical orbit of the planet. The speed of the planet is different between the aphelion the farthest point from the Sun and the perihelion closest point to the Sun. The planet moves slowly at the aphelion and fast at the perihelion.

Johannes Kepler announced this phenomenon as the second law in 1609. The astronomy theory before Kepler was “all the planets are in a perfectly circular orbit” as Ptolemy advocated. Kepler stated the fact that all planetary orbits are elliptical. It is Kepler’s first law. The second law is also called the law of constant area velocity. Drawing a line connecting the moving object and the focal point, the area that this line draws per unit time is constant. The constant area means that the planet moves fast when it is close to the Sun and slow when it is far from the Sun. (figure.2)

Kepler's second law
Kepler’s second law

Therefore, the number of signs on each planet increases when the speed is slow because of the aphelion. Conversely, the closer the revolution of a planet’s orbit is to a circle, the smaller the deviation in sign distribution.

Mars orbit
Virgo located in the direction where the aphelion.

The following graph shows the zodiacal sign distribution of the entire planet. There is randomly extracted 20,000 days from 1900-2499 and graphed the delivery of ten celestial bodies and six asteroids. The more distant the planet is, the more noticeable the deviation is. So the asteroids orbit the Sun in a notably deformed elliptical orbit.
Conversely, the Moon, Venus, and the Sun have the least deviation. The Moon revolves around the Earth and is closer to a perfect circle than other planets. The elliptical orbit of Venus and the Earth is also smoother than Mars. The distribution of the Sun zodiacal sign reflects the Earth’s revolution orbit.

The distribution of the Moon sign is the evenest. There is almost the same number of Cancer Moon that gets Domicile as Capricorn Moon that gets Detriment. On the other hand, Aries Mars that gains Domicile is a minority. Having the largest number of Virgo Mars might make it a bit strange to a traditional astrologer. Looking at the client’s birth chart or horary chart, one can pretend like “Hmmm. Mars is Peregrine, which is not a good status for Mars, yet there is a high probability that it will be Mars in Virgo statistically.”

Why do deviations appear with different samples?

Randomly collected data will show a graph similar to the above. Even a thousand data items will have the same kind of distribution.
However, surveys over the past several years have revealed different types of deviation. Depending on how the data is collected, different deviations appear in individual celestial bodies such as the date and time when a specific event occurred, and the birthday data of people who gathered for a specific service. It is still unknown why those differences arise. Traditional astrologers always identify the lord of the chart or the almuten[*], in any types of the chart. In the same way, in collective data, a specific planet could be a significator like the lord of the chart. So it is a hypothesis that a specific planet takes rolls as a significator in a large amount of data collected for a specific purpose. It is the current answer as an astrologer.

However, this result occurs when collecting a large amount of data. Also, it is not what traditional astrology texts tell us. At this point, I should only say that there is a statistical link between a particular event and a specific celestial body.

In the following posts, I will discuss two different statistical samples to see how deviations appear.
Part Two of this series illustrates planetary distributions and deviations of 11,270 earthquakes over M6 on the Richter scale from 1900 to 2017. Part Three will show the planetary distribution of 150,000 people registered in the web service.

“Almuten- A Latin transliteration from the Arabic word “al-mutazz” meaning “victor”. The almuten is a planet that has the most authority in a specific degree of the zodiac based on the full scheme of classical dignities. Planets receive points based on the level of dignity they hold in that degree with the domicile ruler getting 5, the exaltation ruler getting 4, the triplicity ruler receiving 3, the term ruler getting 2, and the face ruler being awarded 1 point. Whoever has the highest total is declared the almuten.”


火星おとめ座はうお座よりも1.5倍も多い? 統計で見る占星術






Kepler's second law
Mars orbit



※ ペレグリン[peregrine] 天体がエッセンシャル・ディグニティー(惑星の強弱判定値)を持たず、好ましくない状態。




*1. ヨハネス・ケプラー(Johannes Kepler、1571年12月27日 – 1630年11月15日)

ニコラス・キャンピオン著.世界史と占星術, 鏡リュウジ監訳, 宇佐和通・水野友美子訳, 柏書房, 2012年, p.243

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