Fear Not Mercury Combust

In Horary astrology, “Combust” of the principal significator often represents the seriously injured and weakness of the subjects. In the case of Nativity, receptions and aspects should be taken into account, yet the simple judgment of combust suggests the malign influence. Then, which celestial bodies have the highest frequency of combustions? It is, of course, Mercury. It has the closest orbit to the Sun and is only 28 degrees away from the Sun at most when observed from Earth. As a result, it has a more extended period of combustion and under the beams than other planets.

Now, if anyone here has a child with a Mercury in Combust and is worried about their intellect being inhibited, you don’t have to. I show it with data, not with psychological astrology or classical astrology interpretation.

24% Mercury is combust

1 in 5 Mercury will be a combust

The table above shows the frequency with which the six celestial bodies combusted by randomly extracting 10,000 days from the year 1900 to 2017.
Mercury has the highest frequency at 23.7% of celestial bodies entering the 8° orb of the Sun (although the combust is usually listed to be as 8.5°). It means one in four to five people have combusted Mercury.

In the simple math calculation, the average frequency of planets falling within 8 degrees on either side (16 degrees) of the Sun is 4.4%.

360°/16° = 22.5
1/22.5 = 0.44… (4.4%)

But as I mentioned above, Mercury’s orbit is close to the Sun’s, which means that it falls within the 8-degree range of the Sun more often. If only simple combustion affects intelligence, then one in five people are subject to it. It is merely ridiculous to make a judgment of intellectually debilitated without taking account of other significations and conditions. Such disabilities can be used as a means of judgment for specific purposes. For example, they can be used in horary astrology and in electional astrology. On the other hand, in the natal chart, they should be considered part of the personality. At least, I do not think the combust does not represent an attenuation of abilities.

I conclude this article by introducing the famous people with Mercury in Combust along with their charts.

  • Buzz Aldrin, American engineer, astronaut and fighter pilot
  • Dixy Lee Ray, American scientist and politician known as “super-intelligent”
  • Albert Schweitzer, German theologian, organist, writer, humanitarian, philosopher, and physician
  • George Westinghouse, American entrepreneur and engineer
  • Louis Pasteur, French biologist, microbiologist and chemist
  • Tycho Brahe, Danish nobleman, astronomer, and writer
  • Thomas Edison, American inventor and businessman
  • Galilei Galileo, Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer


The table of the distribution of the planets from 10k dates randomly extracted from the year 1900 – 2017.

The software for statistics calculation: AMATERU by Yoshitaka Osawa

One thought on “Fear Not Mercury Combust”

  1. Thank you for this article! Finaly a reasonable take on a subject, unlike other articles in which people with combust Mercury are described almost as stupid and insensitive.

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