Significance of what real stars show us in terms of astrology and Rumen Kolev’s research
“Astrology without watching real stars means nothing since we are dealing with stars,” said Mr.Kolev. The lightning hit me. It was the most straightforward statement that I’ve waited for years other astrologers would tell me because I used to feel the same as a space lover. We see the differences between modern astrology and traditional astrology. But it is the only matter of their grammars and pronunciation. What the most critical fundamental subject is the phenomena in the sky, the planets and the stars, the creation of the creator. It is the subject we are standing in.
The last November, I attended the class about the ancient astrology by Rumen Kolev, Brugarian astrologer, who is an expert in Babylonian astrology. His statement unchained my struggles on astrology, which I had for decades.
I became a big fan of stars and space since I saw Saturn with a telescope when I was around six. It was a long before I chose to learn astrology. My hometown was in a suburb, and I could see many more stars than nowadays. I kept watching stars for a couple of hours every night with my 10cm reflecting telescope and a small binocular. But, as light pollution became worse, my enthusiasm for watching stars decreased. Yet, the beautifulness of stars has never lost its fascination. Every single time I watch the stars in the night sky, they speak in an unknown tongue. One of the reasons I study astrology is to maintain a connection to stars because I did not become an astronomer. So, casting a chart is the same thing as I paint a story of stars, or take photographs of stars and planets with my old Nikon.
Significance of what Mr.Kolev told me is that once again, it brought me into the beliefs of bonds lying between real stars and astrology. Astrology is neither science nor religion but is the language of stars, just like works of literature. However, some contradictions and unclear principles are lying behind against real stars shining in the night, vesper, and daybreak. I feel it from a star watcher’s point of view.

When you look up the winter sky in the northern hemisphere, you’ll see Orion and tri-star are shinning bravely. When you see Venus in the early morning, she spectacularly brights, and you may be impressed by her mighty lights. Or when you see Algol, a binary star, through the binocular, you may be awed by its mysterious shining light (though Algol represents the maliciousness in terms of the traditional astrology ). All of the star fans are attracted by those moments every time they look up the sky and see something very precious for each. Sometimes, I get inspiration from stars as if there were massive sounds of heavens behind the darkness and bright stars I hear not with ears but with soul. Some astrologers neither watch stars often; a few never care about it. Yet, many of us, astrologers, love watching the night sky. So, I hope you would agree with what I am feeling about the night sky. However, once having the chart of horoscope before me, it is not difficult to forget those moments with rules of astrology. Without logic and standards, we have no way to figure out what stars tell us, and it is easy to lose the way into ambiguousness. Little did I know how other astrologers may feel about it, yet I sometimes felt a solid boundary wall was standing between real stars and astrology. Occasionally, inspiration from the moment with stars tells us a lot more than a single chart. And I was wondering why many authors only tell us the theories but not about real stars.
a little about Rumen Kolev’s research
In his class, I learned the differences between traditional astrology and Babylonians as follows;
・Babylonian sign systems (much alike sidereal in Vedic)
・Venus and her heliacal phases
・Fixstars in terms of Babylonians
・A star on the horizon
・Microzodiacs and harmonization with a natal chart
I do not write detail about what I learned in his class because it is only the beginning of the studies, although it was enough to convince me to keep studying astrology for the rest of my life. Probably, it is better to summerise what he has done for the last two decades.
Mr. Kolev is polyglot, speaks Bulgarian, German, English, and other few languages also, reads including Ancient Arabic and Greek, also cuneiform. In 2013, he published his book, The Babylonian Astrolabe: The Calendar of Creation, in the academics field by the support of Dr. Simo Parpola (Ph.D.). And he wrote computer software, “Placidus” and “Sumer,” which is only one software combining astrological algorism and real star simulator, which can calculate the configuration of planets and constellations for over 6,000 years. What impressed me the most was that, through ten years, he kept observing the sky in time before sunrise and sunset due to developing his software.

I asked him what made him write computer software. He said, “I wanted to deal with the primary directions and the Babylonian method.”
” Were you a computer programmer at that time? ” I asked him again.
” No, I was not.” he smiled.
” So, you learned to program by your self from the first ”
” No, first of all, I hired programmers in Bulgaria when I was in the U.S., and a year later, I found what they wrote did not satisfy me at all. So, I hired another man, a greater man.”
” I see, you asked him to build a better one.” I nod.
” No, to learn how to write programming on Windows. I hired a professor of computer science who taught it to me for one year sitting just right next to me for eight hours every day,” he told me and smiled with a mischievous glance like a little boy.
He told us that a significant achievement he made was that, in his book, he proved that the arrays of stars written in one Babylonian tablet were recorded based upon the astronomical observation that took place in 5,500 BCE. However, since the book was published, no scholar has reviewed it yet. It is not because of inaccuracy, but because no one still ever finds how to evaluate. His study could overthrow established theory in interdisciplinary research. It is one of the reasons; no one would want to touch it. And, also I assume his research will change the basic concept of astrology nowadays and the connection between a real star and astrology in the future, no matter how much time it will take.

Placidus https://alabe.com/placidus.html

習い始めた基礎段階ですから、詳細については省きますが、占星術を学び続けるに値する内容です。コーレフ氏は鬼才と呼ぶに相応しい研究者・実践者です。ブルガリア語、英語、ドイツ語、イタリア語、トルコ語、ラテン語、ギリシャ語、アラビア語を操り、読解する言語は古代ギリシャ語、古代アラビア語、バビロニアの楔文字に及びます。今回は1ヶ月ほどの滞在でしたが、日本語習得にも興味を示されていました。曰く「日本語はトルコ語やシュメール語と同じ膠着語(こうちゃくご)。数学的な構造が似ている。次回来た時に学びたい」とのこと。言語学習遍歴は、個人英語授業を中学時代に受けたところから始まり、18歳前後にラテン語とギリシャ語を学び、現在、ひとつの言語を習得する期間は1年前後だそうです。2013年、それまでの研究成果をシモ・パルポア博士の協力のもとで学術論文「The Babylonian Astrolabe: The Calendar of Creation」を発表します。また、天文占星術アプリケーション「Placidus」と「Sumer」を開発。両者は6,000年以上の天文計算と、ヘリアカル・フェイズを算出できる唯一の天文占星術統合ソフトウェアです。同ソフトの開発のために10年間、早朝と夕方に星を観察した話には本当に驚きました。


ソフトウェア:プラシーダス https://alabe.com/placidus.html