Web app Sphere 10, Visualize Astrology, Understand the Sky

Sphere10 is a web application that visualizes the positions of planets and zodiac signs on the celestial sphere. Enjoy!


[_] Minimize controls
▶ Play
■ Stop
▶▶ Fast Forward
◀◀ Reverse Play

Rotation:Linked to mouse operation:

Horizontal: Adjusts the horizontal (left-right) rotation of the celestial sphere.
North/South: Adjusts the vertical tilt (up-down) of the celestial sphere.


Meridian: The vertical line connecting north and south on the celestial sphere.
Equator: Represents the celestial equator, aligned with Earth’s axis of rotation.
Ecliptic: The apparent path of the Sun across the sky.
Zodiac: The belt along the ecliptic divided into 12 zodiac constellations (signs), extending approximately 8-9 degrees north and south of the ecliptic.
RA (Right Ascension): Longitudinal lines along the celestial equator.


Fixed Stars: Shows background fixed stars.
Transparent: Makes the celestial sphere transparent (may appear to rotate in reverse).
Planet Labels: Toggle display of planet names on/off.
Flip ◀|▶: Switch viewing the celestial sphere.
Direction: Toggle display of cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) on/off.

Setting Planetary Positions

Date: By specifying a date and time, the positions of planets and the Moon for that moment will be displayed on Ecliptic

Tips for Beginners

Play with the controls to observe how the starry sky corresponds with horoscope charts.
Displaying the Zodiac and planet names helps clearly visualize their spatial relationships.


[updated:2025-03-08 / released:2025-03-08]






▶ 再生
■ 停止

回転 Rotation

水平 (Horizontal):天球の水平(左右)方向への回転を調整します。
南北 North/South:天球を上下に傾ける角度を調整します。

指標 Indicator

Equator 赤道:天の赤道を表すライン 地球の自転軸
Ecliptic 黄道:見かけ上の太陽の通り道。
Zodiac 獣帯:黄道帯にそった12星座(サイン)の区分。黄道を中心に南北8-9度の幅があります。
RA 赤経:天の赤道に沿った経線。

補助 Auxiliary

Fixed Stars 恒星:背景の恒星の表示
Transparent 透明:天球を透過表示(逆回転しているように見える場合があります)
Planet Labels 惑星名:惑星名の表示ON/OFF
反転 Flip ◀|▶:東西を「反転」し、ホロスコープと似た表示にします。
Direction 方角:東西南北の方角表示のオン・オフ

惑星位置 Date



How Mercury Retrograde Works

Mercury retrograde animation in the heliocentric theory

It shows Mercury moving across the horoscope. When the red dot moves in the opposite direction, Mercury is said to be retrograde. In this animation, the yellow disc is the Sun. Mercury orbits the Sun, and the red dot shows its position seen from Earth.

Ptolemy’s question and the geocentric theory

The Moon and the Sun do not move retrograde. Why do the five other planets go direct and retrograde?
The conclusion Ptolemy reached was that the five planets move very complexly.

It is an animation of planets’ motion from the geocentric theory’s perspective. It shows the motion of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun, with the Earth at the center.

Mercury’s motion as seen from Earth

A simulation of Mercury’s motion around the Sun at noon every day from October 2024 to December 2025 shows how we see from Earth. [by Stellarium]

Horary Astrology Step by Step

The third book I translated, “Horary Astrology Step by Step,” by Petros Eleftheriadis, my horary mentor, is published in April 2024. This is the afterword I wrote for the Japanese version.

“Takeshi, I hope the question is important to you.”

As usual, when I contacted Petros sensei about the subject matter of the final exam, he replied immediately.
To complete the Traditional Horary course (QHP), I had to complete a final assignment, predicting the future using a Horary chart. I chose one of the FIFA World Cup qualifying matches as my last assignment. Looking back, I did not understand as much the importance of that reply as I do now.
What does it mean by “the question is important to me”? Continue reading “Horary Astrology Step by Step”

The Houses: Temples of the Sky

In December 2023, the second book I translated was published, “The Houses: Temples of the Sky” by Deborah Houlding. This book first appeared in 1997 and was republished in 2007 by The Wessex Astrologer Ltd. I am pleased to have completed translating this book into Japanese with the support of Taigensha (Natural Spirit Ltd.).

Deborah Holding, the author, studied at Qualifying Horary Practitioner. Similarly, I pursued learning within the very same program. Though our paths never directly crossed, this translation has forged a connection. Continue reading “The Houses: Temples of the Sky”