Why does MC move on the horoscope chart?

Meridian never moves in the real world, but MC moves side to side on the horoscope, Why?
As soon as getting into astrology, we learn what the ascendant and MC are. However, these are things not quite easy to understand by texts and diagrams. It is a reason I created this video.

This footage shows the movements of a simulated sky and a horoscope chart to understand Meridian and MC. The green line is Meridian and the orange line is Ecliptic. MC is an intersection of Meridian and Ecliptic. Again, Meridian does not move in the real world, Ascendant and Descendant, however, move on the horizon because they are intersections of Ecliptic and the horizon.

House system: Placidus
The simulated time: 24 hours (18:30 December 20, 2019, to 18:30 December 21, 2019. JST)

MC and Meridian
MC and Meridian




シミュレート時間:24時間(日本時間 2019年12月20日 18:30 – 2019年12月21日 18:30)

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