2024年火星/天王星合 公開アンケート結果
出来事 |
種別 |
ニックネーム |
生年月日 |
7/9に胸のしこりに気づいて7/16に腫瘍と判明し7/23に細胞診の結果を聞きに行きます。多分急に大きくなったので悪性。闘病頑張ります💪♅♂の☌は12室カスプで起きていました。 |
悪性腫瘍発見 |
十和 |
1978-12-09 |
緊急搬送後、直腸癌に羅患していることが発覚しました。即手術、これから長引きそうです。人生急展開です。ここ何日も急展開の連続ですが、これを機に自分の体の見直し一掃できたらいいなと賭けています。 |
癌発見 |
ミルミル |
1976-01-28 |
7月1日に友達カップルにずっと思っていたキツい言葉を言わなきゃいけないときがきました。不動宮の極み、超頑固な彼氏の新就職先に住み込みで着いて行ったらブラックで難アリ男尊女卑の酷いところで、彼女は難病が再発してしまいました。彼氏が前々から転職めんどくさいと言っていて説得を聞かず。彼女は故郷では治療が受けられないくらい酷い病状になって実家に帰ることも出来ず。やりようはいくらでもあるしあんたらDV男とそれに依存する女だよ、命を大切にしなさいなと震えながら説教しましたが、その言葉は届きませんでした。やりよう(天王星)を伝えていただけなのですが、気付いたらヒートアップ(火星)していました。 |
行動変化 |
lirica |
1988-09-06 |
17年続けてきたジムを退会しました。サービスの在り方に急に疑問が湧いて、モチベーションが維持できなくなりました。突然すぎて自分でも驚いています。 |
行動変化 |
Jewel 吉川 |
1968-08-03 |
何年も続けていた職種で初めて絶対にポリシーに反するからと封じていた力業[火星?]の手段を取らざるを得なくなりました(体罰や虐待ではありませんが)。 最近の多国籍の子ども~若者の集団[天王星?]制御不能。 あらためて私も自身の意識も手段も改革せねばならないようです[天王星?]。 |
行動変化 |
Macy |
1969-10-02 |
7月16日(火)から、ついに仕事で車を運転して営業に出るようになった。それまでずっと運転しなきゃと思いつつ、一人で大阪市内の運転は怖くてずっと後回しにしてきたけど、必要に迫られてというか全然電車でも行ける場所ではあるけれど、きっかけとして勇気を出して運転してみたら、意外とすんなりいけた。これで自信がついてもう一人で車出せるようになった。ちなみに出生図の太陽の度数はおうし座26’11″でT火星天王星とパータイルでした。 |
行動変化 |
JessicaG |
1974-05-17 |
会議で上司に怒鳴り散らす勢いの大喧嘩をした 日頃から何かにつけて気に食わないところはあったけど… |
行動変化 |
kaori |
1968-11-07 |
2年ぶりに夏風邪(コロナ?検査する気がないのでわかりません)を引いて1週間寝込みました。 |
疾病罹患 |
tea |
1989-08-07 |
軽はずみかつ、レアなケースで食中毒になりました。 |
疾病罹患 |
Cony |
1980-12-15 |
初めてのコロナ |
疾病罹患 |
フルーツパンチ |
7/15 突然ち〇ち〇が痛くなった。泌尿器科は初めてだが準備していたら3日後に痛みが消えた。なんだったのだろう。 |
疾病罹患 |
まるやま |
普通に生活していたが18日の朝にわずかな予兆あり、19日に心筋梗塞の疑いありで緊急入院、緊急手術、今も入院中、そもそも入院が生まれて初めて 入院中だけど、もう体調は平常 生年月日は1964.10.21、5:34 |
疾病罹患、入院 |
星り |
1964-10-21 |
こうなるだろうなと思った出来事が具現化しまくったり(自己意識を超えた世界)宝くじに当たりそうな確率の出来事を引き寄せた。(一発逆転狙えそうなやつ) N太陽が火星天王星合とオポなのもある気はしているが、顕著に出過ぎである |
状況変化 |
ねこたん |
1972-11-18 |
7/14に部屋の照明が何の前触れもなく切れた。 |
状況変化 |
さび |
1978-11-24 |
7/17 職場のお食事会 30名参加 7/22 コロナ陽性者2名 +疑 1名 私は不参加 |
状況変化 |
kaori |
1968-11-07 |
自分を最優先にすること、大切にすることを決めました。自分を押し殺して、周囲との調和やバランスを優先して生きてきたのをもうやめます |
心情変化 |
dada |
1974-01-16 |
車上荒らしにあってパソコン関係が盗まれました。 |
窃盗被害 |
まりーな |
1981-11-20 |
7/10前後?普段吸わないのに無性にタバコが吸いたくなった。死んだ祖父のことを思い出して先祖供養を1週間続けた。 7/16、熱したフライパンに人差指が当たってしまい水疱ができた。 7/17、YouTubeで英語版の動画を探してヘミシンクを試みる。食器類を整理。 7/19の朝、自転車での移動中、至近距離でクラクションを鳴らされ追い抜かされた。 同日の夜、チャットアプリで通話中パソコンがブルースクリーンを表示しシャットダウン。 すぐ復旧したため処理落ちが原因と思われる。ただし稼働していたアプリの数は普段と変わらず、コンピュータの排熱部が非常に熱くなっていた。 7/22、神棚を処分した。 7/20~7/21、タロットカードを使ってキャラクター設定を考える試みが成功した。1年半書き溜めた日記帳を紛失。 他.7/15よりやる気の乱高下が続いている。やるべきこと以外の仕事が次々舞い込み、思考や集中力を十分向けられない状況だった。 突然昔の嫌なことや人を思い出してイライラしたり、不安感に襲われてしまう。これはマントラを唱えることで軽減した。 7/14~7/19にかけて、辛味や酒など刺激物の過剰摂取で胃腸の調子を崩した。 |
トラブル、疾病罹患 |
とうしん |
2004-05-28 |
・Googleマップを見ても、GPSが定まらず。目的地に到着出来ず同行者と言い争いになる。 ・飛行機が遅延して、1時間半ほど待たされる→その間に、自宅のペット見守りカメラでペットが体調不良で倒れたのを知り酷く焦る。 ・スマホに出られない状態で、普段掛かってこない相手からの着信の連発。 ・スマホのアプリのパスワードがイレギュラーに消えてしまい(キャッシュ関係では無い、それなら全てのアプリのパスワードが消えるので)旅先で必要なアプリが使えず焦る。 →スマホの中にパスワード記録もしていたのにそれも消えている。普段、フルにスマホを活用している人間からすると放心状態になる状態。辛うじてスマートEXが動いたので新幹線異動は何とかなった。 ・電車内でのぎっくり腰 ・精神状態が激落ちする→理由が分からない→旅先で楽しいハズで、しかもイレギュラーも楽しめるタイプ。 ・いつも頼むペットシッターに、シッティング内容をメモで渡したのだが。なぜか、シッターが文章を理解出来ないというトラブルも発生。(読解力が不足していた模様、何人かに理解できるか確認したが大丈夫だった) |
トラブル、心情変化 |
わかめちゃん1号 |
1973-12-30 |
・カラオケ大会の予選に応募していたが抽選にもれ予選に参加できない状況だった。約10年くらい前から事情があって行きたくても行けないイベントがある場合には、そのイベントの当日に何かが起きて行けなくなるということが起きていた。 カラオケの予選会は7月14日だった。現在福岡市在住なのですが、その日九州は大雨が降った地域が多く公共交通機関もストップしたり通行止めになったりしたので、予選の抽選に当せんしていたとしても参加できていたかどうかはわからない悪天候となった(苦笑) ・自分はしっかりしてても周囲の人たちが不注意が多いので足を引っ張られることが多いので数年前から現在の星回りを想定して行動していたようなことが起き、陰陽の反転で滞っていたことが動きだしたり、様々なことがひっくり返ったり回避できている不思議 ・人生で何度も繰り返されてきたことの次元上昇(精神的な意味で) ・先を見据えてお金を渋らず使ったことからの思いがけない臨時収入 ・私の周囲の人たちは多分結構星の影響を受けているっぽいです。コロナ罹患、日常でのトラブル。 ・ワタシの人生を動かした人(動かした本人は気がついていない)がシンクロすることが多いなと思っていたら、どうやら互いのキーパーソンなことが発覚するようなことがわかった ・あと、著書を読んだりネットで検索してもどうしても読むことができなかったホロスコープ(特にシナトリー)がなんか知らんけど読めるようになっていてビックリしてます 細かいところまでいうともっとあるし、ちょっと世には出せないことなのと、ホロスコープを読める方からするともっとあるかもしれませんが、自分が体感していることは前に述べたとおりです。とにかく、西洋占星術を統計学なんて軽々しく口走ってしまっていた自分は本当に恥ずかしい人間だなぁと思う今日この頃です。長くなってすみません。 |
心情変化、その他 |
sorahitoumi |
1973-07-06 |
19日午前11時頃乗馬の練習中に落馬 |
落馬 |
一之瀬葵 |
1969-01-25 |
Results of the 2024 Mars/Uranus conjunction public questionnaire
Questionnaire collection period: 21 July noon – 23 July noon (JST, GMT+9)Target audience: X(Twitter) users, mainly my followers in Japan.
Number of questionnaire responses: 21
Question: “Did you have any extraordinary experiences during the week before and after 15 July?”
Background and purpose of the questionnaire
The conjunction of Mars and Uranus took place on July 15 (JST) at 26° Taurus, coinciding with the position of Algol. Given this event’s remarkable personal and social changes, a questionnaire was conducted on X (Twitter) to gather insights from actual experiences. The questionnaire comprised four questions: event description (mandatory), nickname (mandatory), and date and time of birth.
Based on the responses, categories were formulated to analyze the data. Please note that one duplicate respondent resulted in 20 unique participants.
I have translated the responses as faithfully as possible, but please understand that some of the content may need to be clarified and made more straightforward.
Events |
Category |
Name |
Birth Date |
I noticed a lump in my breast on 9 July, which turned out to be a tumour on 16 July and I am going for cytology results on 23 July. Probably malignant because it grew suddenly. I am trying to fight the disease 💪♅♂☌ was happening in a 12-chamber cusp. |
Cancer detection |
towa |
1978-12-09 |
After emergency transport, it was discovered that she had been diagnosed with rectal cancer. He underwent immediate surgery, which is likely to last for a long time. My life has taken a sudden turn. The last few days have been a series of rapid developments, but I’m betting that this will be a good opportunity to clean up my body review. |
Cancer detection |
mirumiru |
1976-01-28 |
On 1 July, the time came when I had to say the hard words I’ve always wanted to say to a couple of friends. I went to live and work at my boyfriend’s new job in a black, difficult, male-dominated place, and she had a recurrence of her incurable illness. Her boyfriend had been saying for a while that changing jobs was a pain in the ass and she wouldn’t listen to his persuasion. She has become so ill that she can’t get treatment in her hometown and can’t go back to her parents’ house. I preached to her with a trembling heart that there are many ways to get rid of her, that you are a DV man and a woman who depends on him, and that she should value her life, but her words didn’t reach me. I was just telling her how to do it (Uranus), but I realised that she was getting heated up (Mars). |
Behaviour change |
lirica |
1988-09-06 |
I left the gym I had been following for 17 years. I suddenly had doubts about the state of the service and could no longer maintain my motivation. It was so sudden that I surprised even myself. |
Behaviour change |
Jewel |
1968-08-03 |
For the first time in my years of employment, I was forced to use force [Mars?], which I had blocked because it was absolutely against policy. I was forced to take measures of force (though not corporal punishment or abuse). Recent multi-national groups of children – young people [Uranus?]. Out of control. It seems that once again I have to reform both my own awareness and my own means [Uranus?] |
Behaviour change |
Macy |
1969-10-02 |
From Tuesday 16 July, I finally started driving to work to go out on business. Until then, I had been thinking that I needed to drive, but had put it off because I was afraid of driving alone in Osaka City, but when I got up the courage to drive, I found it surprisingly easy. This gave me confidence and I can now drive by myself.Incidentally, the Sun’s degree in my birth chart was 26’11” Taurus, partile T Mars-Uranus. |
Behaviour change |
JessicaG |
1974-05-17 |
I got into a big fight at a meeting where I was shouting at my boss. I’ve always had a problem with him on a regular basis though. |
Behaviour change |
kaori |
1968-11-07 |
For the first time in two years, I had a summer cold (COVID-19? I don’t know because I don’t want to get tested) and was in bed for a week. |
Disease incidence |
tea |
1989-08-07 |
I have food poisoning. |
Disease incidence |
Cony |
1980-12-15 |
I had COVID-19 for the first time. |
Disease incidence |
fruispanch |
15 Jul I suddenly had genital pain. I had never been to a urologist before, but I was prepared and after three days the pain disappeared. What was it. |
Disease incidence |
maruyama |
I was living a normal life, but on the morning of the 18th I had a slight premonition, on the 19th I was admitted to hospital for a suspected myocardial infarction, emergency surgery, and I’m still in hospital, the first time in my life I’ve ever been in hospital in the first place. In hospital, but feeling normal now. |
Disease incidence |
hoshiri |
1964-10-21 |
Events that I thought would happen were materialising all over the place (a world beyond my self-consciousness), and I attracted events with lottery-like odds. (The kind where you could have a shot). I think it’s partly because the N Sun is Mars-Uranus conjunct Oppo, but it’s too pronounced. |
Situational change |
nekotan |
1972-11-18 |
On 14 July, the lights in the room went out without warning. |
Situational change |
sabi |
1978-11-24 |
17 Jul Workplace dinner party 30 attendees 22 July 2 positive for COVID-19 + 1 suspected. I did not attend |
Situational change |
kaori |
1968-11-07 |
I have decided to put myself first and to take care of myself. I will stop pushing myself and living my life in harmony and balance with my surroundings as a priority. |
Emotional change |
dada |
1974-01-16 |
My vehicle was vandalized, and computer-related items were stolen. |
Theft |
marina |
1981-11-20 |
Around July 10, I had an involuntary urge to smoke a cigarette, even though I don’t usually smoke. This made me think of my deceased grandfather, so I continued offering to my ancestors for a week. On July 16, I burned my index finger on a hot frying pan and got a blister. On July 17, I tried hemi-sync by searching for an English version of the video on YouTube. I also organized my crockery. On the morning of July 19, I was honked at close range and overtaken while cycling. That same night, while using a chat app, my computer displayed a blue screen and shut down. The system recovered quickly, which was due to a processing failure. However, the number of running apps was the same as usual, and the exhaust part of the computer was very hot. On July 22, I disposed of the godown. From July 20 to July 21, I successfully used tarot cards for characterization. However, I lost a diary that I had been writing in for a year and a half, as well as a book that I had been keeping for the same duration. Since July 15, my motivation has been fluctuating wildly. Work unrelated to my primary tasks kept coming in, making it difficult to focus and concentrate fully. I also suddenly remembered unpleasant events and people from the past, which made me feel irritated and anxious. Chanting mantras helped alleviate these feelings. Between July 14 and July 19, I had gastrointestinal problems due to excessive consumption of spicy food, alcohol, and other stimulants. |
Troubles, Disease incidence |
toshin |
2004-05-28 |
The GPS is not fixed on Google Maps. The flight is delayed, and you must wait an hour and a half. During this time, you learn from the pet-watching camera at home that your pet has fallen ill, and you become incredibly impatient. You receive an unusual number of incoming calls from people who don’t usually call, but you can’t answer your phone. The passwords for the apps on your smartphone disappear irregularly (not due to cache issues, as then all the app passwords disappear), and you are in a hurry because you cannot use the apps you need for your journey. I also had a password recorded on my phone, but that has also disappeared. Those of us who typically use our smartphones are in a state of abandonment. The Smart EX app barely worked, so I was able to manage the Shinkansen transfer. The reason for this is a state of mental depression. The first time I went on a train, I was in a state of mental depression, and I don’t know why. I gave a note to the pet sitter I always ask for, detailing the sitting instructions. For some reason, the sitter could not understand the text (it seems they lacked reading comprehension). We checked with some others to see if they could understand the text, and they were fine. |
Troubles, Emotional change |
wakamechan |
1973-12-30 |
I had applied for the qualifying round of a karaoke competition but was unable to participate because I was not selected in the draw. For about 10 years, if there was an event I wanted to attend but couldn’t due to circumstances, something always happened on the day of the event that made it impossible for me to go. The karaoke qualifying event was on July 14. I currently live in Fukuoka City, but that day in Kyushu, there were many areas experiencing heavy rain, causing public transport to be stopped or blocked. So even if I had won the lottery for the qualifying round, I don’t know if I would have been able to attend due to the bad weather (laughs). The most important thing is to be mindful of what you say and do. There is a spiritual dimension to things that have repeatedly occurred in my life. Unexpected extra income from spending money without reluctance, with an eye to the future, seems to align with astrological influences. People around me appear to be influenced by the stars quite a bit. Coronary disease and problems in daily life seem to sync up with these influences. I’ve noticed that people who have significantly impacted my life (without realizing it) often synchronize with each other, and they seem to be key figures in each other’s lives. I was also surprised to find that I could read horoscopes (especially synastry), which I couldn’t understand even after reading books and searching online. Though I don’t fully grasp it, I can now see patterns I missed before. There is more detail that I can’t share publicly, and perhaps more insights for those who can read horoscopes. What I’m experiencing is what I mentioned before. Anyway, today I feel genuinely ashamed for having previously dismissed Western astrology as mere statistics. Sorry for the long message. |
Emotional change, other |
sorahitoumi |
1973-07-06 |
I fell off horse while practising horse riding at about 11am on 19th of July. |
Falling off a horse |
ichinose |
1969-01-25 |
[12:35 Jan 23, 2024 (JST)]