Astrology Calendar For Digital

The following is the calendar data that you can import into your Google Calendar. For the Calendar app on Mac, paste the URL into “New Calendar Subscription” from the “File” menu. Questions and Answers here.

Void Of Course Moon

[more about void of course moon]
September 2018 – December 2030
[copy this↓] paste it > Google Calendar > Other calendars > From URL

This is where you paste it on Google Calendar.


How to Import to iCal
Launch iCal, click the “File” menu, and choose “New Calendar Subscription” to open the Import dialog box. Make sure your primary timezone is correct if you have a secondary one on your Google calendar preference.
[for iCal] Copy the URL on this page, then paste it into the iCal dialog box in the file menu.

[January 2, 2024]
Hi Everyone,
Thanks again for your comments, suggestions, and feedback.

I am an astrologer who works with both traditional and modern astrology. But, I exclude Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto for VOC and only work with visible celestial bodies from the Sun to Saturn. This is based on sensations gained from practice and personal judgment.
If you want outer planets for VOC calculations, please email me or comment on the form above, and I will release a new VOC calendar if I receive more than 100 requests.

With love from Yokohama, Japan

Buy me a coffee here if you like it. Thanks!



Google Calendar、iCalendarで使用できます。



※ 他国のタイムゾーンに設定されていると時間が不正確になります。


Q1. I see that there are whole days or weeks that are noted as void (e.g. 24-27 Jan or 19-26 Feb), is that correct? is that because of the changes you implemented this year? thank you and kind.

A1. Yes. The Moon often does not make any aspects more than a day, lasting for two. This happened because I changed the method depending on the seven major celestial bodies.
See the image below; the Moon has separated from the square Jupiter, and then she will have no aspects within Leo. The next aspect of the Moon is a trine Venus that will occur after two days and five hours.

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