The ecliptic longitude (Heliocentric) of ascending and descending node | 昇交点/降交点黄経(日心黄経)
Planet | Ascending node 昇交点黄経 |
Zodiacal degree | Descending node 降交点黄経 |
Zodiacal degree |
☿ Mercury | 48.3° | ♉︎18° | 228.3° | ♏︎18° |
♀ Venus | 76.6° | ♊︎17° | 256.6° | ♐︎17° |
♂ Mars | 49.6° | ♉︎20° | 229.6° | ♏︎20° |
♃ Jupiter | 100.5° | ♋︎10° | 280.5° | ♑︎10° |
♄ Saturn | 113.7° | ♋︎24° | 293.7° | ♑︎24° |
♅ Uranus | 74.2° | ♊︎14° | 254.2° | ♐︎14° |
♆ Neptune | 131.7° | ♌︎12° | 311.7° | ♒︎12° |
♇ Pluto | 110.3° | ♋︎20° | 290.3° | ♑︎20° |
Elements are referenced to mean ecliptic and equinox of J2000 at the J2000 epoch (2451545.0 JD)
- BISEI astronomical observatory - University of Reading | Planetary Orbital Elements