April 8 Wednesday, 2020
The comet fades
Today, April 8, we learn that C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) will not be the bright comet that was predicted last month; ATLAS has collapsed and gone from magnitude 7 to 10. It’s very unfortunate for me as a skywatcher, but as an astrologer, it’s not a bad omen at all. Because it means that the “worst evilness” will disappear. A friend of mine asked me the other day if ATLAS was a bad omen. It’s fun to see pictures of comets. However, the word “ominous” is the first word that comes out of the actual comet when I watch. That’s because the image is vague, and it’s very different from the beautiful pictures we often see in magazines and on websites. There is a sense of anxiety and eeriness in the figure. So my answer, from an astrologer’s point of view, would be “ill-fated.” I’m sure the ancients would agree since they left a similar sentence.
本日4月8日、C/2019 Y4(ATLAS)が先月予想されていたような明るい彗星にならないことがわかりました。核が崩壊し7等星から10等星に減光中。天体観測者としては残念なことですが、占星術師としては全く悪い前兆ではありません。「最悪の邪気」が消えるという意味だからです。先日、友人に「ATLASは悪い前兆なのか」と聞かれました。彗星を写真で見るのは楽しいです。しかし、実際の彗星を見ていると、まず「不吉」という言葉が出てきます。それは、漠然としたイメージで、雑誌やホームページでよく見る綺麗な写真とは全く違います。その姿からは不安と不気味さを感じます。占星術師的には「不運」というのが私の答えです。古代人も似たような文章を残していますから、きっと同意してくれるでしょう。
March 5 Thursday, 2020
C/2019 Y4 [ATLAS]
C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) was discovered by the ATLAS (Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System) survey on December 28, 2019. The maximum brightness can be over -6 magnitude by a calculation. The following is a light curve of comet by BAA (British Astronomical Association)
According to astro.vanbuitenen.nl, on 23 May 2020 (Nearest approach) speculated magnitude is -7.2, and -10.2 on 31 May 2020 (Perihelion).
Zodiacal Degrees
♌︎ 15° Mar 03, 2020
♋︎ 10° Apr 01, 2020
♊︎ 23° May 01, 2020
♉︎ 27° Jun 01, 2020
Orbit Diagram

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Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) could reach naked eye brightness
C/2019 Y4 [ATLAS]は2019年12月28日に発見された彗星で、2020年5月後半、マイナス6等星以上になる予想が立てられています。彗星の光度予想は困難を極め当てるのは至難。もし計算通りであれば雄大な姿が見られるかもしれません。
Bright comets for the last forty years
C/2006 P1 [McNaught]
The Brightest magnitude -6.0 on Jan 12, 2007 See McNaught comet
Zodiacal Degrees
♐︎ 06° Oct 01, 2006
♐︎ 11° Nov 01, 2006
♐︎ 21° Dec 01, 2006
♑︎ 26° Jan 12, 2007 [the brightest]
Orbit Diagram
C/1995 O1 [Hale-Bopp]
The Brightest magnitude -1.0 on April 1, 1997 See Hale-Bopp comet
Zodiacal Degrees
♑︎ 11° Jan 01, 1997
♒︎ 00° Feb 01, 1997
♓︎ 07° Mar 01, 1997
♉︎ 12° Apr 01, 1997 [the brightest]
Orbit Diagram
C/1996 B2 [Hyakutake]
The Brightest magnitude -0.0 on March 24, 1996 See Hyakutake comet
Zodiacal Degrees
♏︎ 00° Jan 01, 1996
♏︎ 13° Feb 01, 1996
♏︎ 17° Mar 01, 1996
♎︎ 15° Mar 24, 1996 [the brightest]
Orbit Diagram
C/1975 V1 [West]
The Brightest magnitude -1.0 on Februrary 25, 1976 See West comet
Zodiacal Degrees
♒︎ 00° Dec 01, 1975
♒︎ 09° Jan 01, 1976
♒︎ 26° Feb 01, 1976
♓︎ 14° Feb 25, 1976 [the brightest]
Orbit Diagram
A note by Japanese astronomer
However, the altitude at the time of shooting is only a few degrees.
Comet #ATLAS (C / 2019 Y4 (ATLAS)), which is expected to brighten in late May, is also hard to see near the sun.
Depending on how bright it is, this photo will be helpful.COMET PAN-STARRS(C/2011 L4) pic.twitter.com/lbsxy8yNgi
— Kouji Ohnishi 大西浩次 (@koujiohnishi) March 12, 2020